Thursday, March 4, 2010

Water Fasting

So, I recently began reading "The Fasting Cure" by Upton Sinclair, a enlightened Bernarr MacFadden disciple, filled with stories that appeal to the desperately ill. It's about water fasting and for some reason, it convinced me.

Water fasting is the act of drinking nothing but water. No food is to be ingested. The fast, once gone for more than 3 days, begins to cleanse the organs and purge the body of disease and infection. Once the body switches to this "survival" is when true fasting begins.

I believe in the notion of a "survival" mode is triggered in the absence of food. It's intriguing and and simply mind blowing to think that the body can adjust so quickly. Unfortunately, I work so my aim isn't as far reaching as water fasting practitioners would set for themselves but this is my first time so I think I can slide.

The recover period should take only 2 days of a low cal diet after which I'll switch to a high nutrient milk diet, although, I'm betting I'll be switching to juice if the milk upsets me as it usually does.

Anyway, today I've jumped from wanting to fast to actually fasting. I'll start on midnight and hope for the best.

*Edit* I decided that I was rushing into the fast without properly preparing for it nor the diet that would follow. I'm falling back on my April plan and will continue to post more information on fasting in this post.
